"Live" Features

"Dolla" Will Brown speaks on the 1804 Show, Podcast, Exodus, Music, Life and more
Magazine Feature
Join in Tonight @7PM Eastern/6PM Central time!! As We speak wit "Dolla" Will Brown on being Creative, #Podcast, The 1804 Show Chapter 2Two, Music, Life and more. Join in!! Leave Questions, Answers, comments or just pop in and Support!!

Kyng Laine
Magazine Feature
Join #thawedmagazine Live wit Kyng Laine, as we discuss the Music scene, Show Promotion, #Artists, #Music and Music Career, Mi$fits, Life and More!! Join in, share, leave comments, Questions or answers and be apart of the Live!! #Salute and Thank You for watching!! Can also listen to any of Thawed Magazine’s Live’s/Podcast on all major #Podcast Formats

BLEU HEFNER discusses Comedy Music Life and more
Magazine Feature
Join Us Live, as we talk wit Artist/Comedian Bleu Hefner about #TheBleuHefnerShow, Music, how he got into Comedy, as well as, what he has in store for the upcoming year of 2023. Join in, comment, ask questions, answer or just to show #Support!! Thank You to any and everyone who join us Live, or watch later or listen on #Podcast later!

Magazine Feature
Join Thawed Magazine Creator J-Jack, as he talks wit artist Rock Out Ali!! They'll discuss topics pertaining to his career, the Music Business, Recording Music, performing, promotion, and more.
ROCK OUT ALI ON FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100074038642773

Author Major Shepherd EL
Magazine Feature
Join #ThawedMagazine as we talk wit #Detroit Michigan's own, Author Major Shepherd-El!! We'll discuss writing, being an #Author, promoting literary works, as well as, Life and more. Join in, leave comments, questions or answers! Salute and Thank You to anyone who will watch Live, later on or listen on podcast!! Author Major Shepherd-El
IG https://www.instagram.com/reel/CkwYWhwLQxC/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Deon Forrest
Join #ThawedMagazine LIVE as we talk with “ #GreekTownHotbox” Deon Forrest!! About Music, Performing at #Detroit Sports Professional Games, how he started as well as the videos that have gone viral!! Salute and Thank You to any and everyone who join in, leave comments and ask questions!! Thank You!! Thawedmagazine.com

Bub Bizzle
Magazine Feature
Join #ThawedMagazine Creator J-Jack and Artist Bub Bizzle, as they dicuss Bub Bizzle’s Music Career, Hip Hop, Clothing Line “Been Dope” and more.
Bub Bizzle Facebook https://www.facebook.com/BubBizzleRTC/
Thawed Magazine